Your site administrator: Jim Shafer
Q: How much does it cost to join the site? $$$$$
A: Absolutley NOTHING!! It's all
Q: How do I join?
A: Find your name on the Classmates Profiles list and click on it. Create a brief profile and that's it! Come back later to add info and pictures!!
Q: What if I forget my password?
A: Start by clicking on "forgot your password"? in the log in box. If that doesn't work, contact us. We will provide you with a password to log in with. You can then make a new one.
Q: How do I send a message to another classmate?
A: On each profile page, there is a "Send a private message " box. Just write your note and send! You will be notified by email when you have a response, according to your settings, that is.
This is a good place to remind you to put us on your safe list to ensure that you receive email sent through the site. It will be marked as coming from: "Postmaster@ClassCreator".
Q: Who can see my profile ?
A: Anyone can see your profile. If you choose to have ONLY logged in classmates have the ability to view your page, check the box "Profile Visibility" on the bottom of your page. When you do this, remember friends and family will not be able to see it. This is entirely your choice.
Q: How do I post an announcement?
A: Go to "Post Annoucement". Your announcement will be received for review and then I will post it for you.
Q: How do I put pictures on my profile page?
A: This is very clear. Go to "Edit/Upload Photos" and put on as many as you like!!!
To add a picture to your post: Click on the little yellow square box in you editor box, the one next to the source button. That is called the Image button. Browse, upload, send it to the server. Don't forget to SAVE CHANGES at the bottom of the page.
To add a graphic to your post: Click on the Image Button. Browse, Open, send it to the Server ( this box will appear) then click ok. Don't forget to SAVE CHANGES.
Q: How do I get my picture to show with my post?
A: Post a picture to your profile page. Click on "Make this my current master photo" and it will appear on all of your posts.
I am all ears! Send me your suggestions for tunes you would like to have added.
Please kindly add a thought or note of remembrance to one of our deceased classmates .
Have any suggestions for additions or changes on the site? Please let me know via email. Thanks!
Ask me anything!
I'll give you an answer, possibly the right answer.
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